Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Super September Sluicefest - The Movie
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The LAST Canadian Magnum

This is truly a piece of history with Riot moving production to China will the boats ever be the same again?
This Boat is Brand new and needs a new home with someone who will love cherish and huck this beast off of any drop worthy of enjoyment!

Monday, September 21, 2009
Kanumesse 2009, Part Deux
Possibly THE most comfortable sea kayak in the world - the New Native Inuit with Bad Ass Outfitting (yes it is comfier than it looks and sounds!).
Das Neuer Robson Funky Paddels mit ein Super Cool Grafix. Made in four standard prints but the limits are endless. Blade material is similar to laminate sandwich (Mmmm) found in snowboard industry).
Folding canoe anyone? Great idea, shame about the 3000 euro price tag!
New brand Duemstuff - bringing the street to da river. Yes these guys have more attitude than sense but you have to admit they're probably THE most original thing in kayaking-wear at the moment. Pornstar imagery and marketing mixed with some innovative ideas and a non conformist attitude - or something like that.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Kanumesse 2009
Riot came back out of the woodwork after a year in hiding showcasing their "new" range of
It's been a while since Stohlquist have released a new WW PFD on the market (esp. a rescue equipped one - think X-Tract circa 2000) so now they have a replacement which is available as a river-runner/playvest and a rescue jacket (i.e. with or without QR belt). They have also developed possibly THE most complicated adjustment system in the world with 6!, yes 6 webbed adjustments on EACH side - so that's a whopping 12 in total! It's a zip entry so once you get the fit initially dialled in it shouldn't be a problem but it still leaves a lot of webbing tails flapping around.
Sandiline came up with a reasonably well looking PFD but I can't help but feel if the basic cut and shape has been borrowed from someone else - any suggestions???
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
World Champs, Thun
Adrian, Siobhan and myself were flying the flag for i-canoe. Enjoy the below pictures of the beautiful town and a great wave.
Above, Bowsie in his competition ride and below Siobhan paddling for a great 23rd place.
The junior lads proved to be pros at the big air ramp. Both Corin (above) and Rory (below) threw big air screws to progress to the Big Air Ramp Final, which was held under flood lights. The two lads also enjoyed the fame of appearing on the big screen.
Adrian and Niall were paddling in the squirt competition. Below is Ad getting vertical. I hope the toes have recovered Adrian!!
Being so close to the mountains in Thun, we managed to get spin on a local creek. It was a lovely park and huck, followed by a 20 minute class 4 run. Unfortunately, with creek boats a scarce resource at the freestyle champs, i was only able to huck the falls and left the others to enjoy the rest of the river